<?php ################################################################################## # HOTELDRUID # Copyright (C) 2001-2023 by Marco Maria Francesco De Santis (marco@digitaldruid.net) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # any later version accepted by Marco Maria Francesco De Santis, which # shall act as a proxy as defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the # license. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ################################################################################## function upload_hd_img_form ($id_txt_url,$tablepersonalizza,$ord="",$js="") { $out = ""; if (defined('C_CARTELLA_CREA_MODELLI') and C_CARTELLA_CREA_MODELLI != "") { if (!$js or $js == 2) { $url_base_upload = ""; if (defined('C_CARTELLA_UPLOAD_IMG') and C_CARTELLA_UPLOAD_IMG != "" and @is_dir(C_CARTELLA_CREA_MODELLI."/".C_CARTELLA_UPLOAD_IMG)) $percorso_cartella_upload = C_CARTELLA_UPLOAD_IMG; else $percorso_cartella_upload = ""; if (substr($percorso_cartella_upload,0,1) == "/") $percorso_cartella_upload = substr($percorso_cartella_upload,1); if (strcmp((string) $percorso_cartella_upload,"") and substr($percorso_cartella_upload,-1) != "/") $percorso_cartella_upload .= "/"; if (substr($percorso_cartella_upload,0,2) == "./") $percorso_cartella_upload = substr($percorso_cartella_upload,2); if (defined("C_FILE_DOMINIO") and C_FILE_DOMINIO != "" and (!defined('C_NASCONDI_MARCA') or C_NASCONDI_MARCA != "SI")) { $altri_domini = @file(C_FILE_DOMINIO); if ($altri_domini) { $url_base_upload = "https://".trim($altri_domini[0])."/$percorso_cartella_upload"; } # fine if ($altri_domini) unset($altri_domini); } # fine if (defined("C_FILE_DOMINIO") and C_FILE_DOMINIO != "" and (!defined('C_NASCONDI_MARCA') or C_NASCONDI_MARCA != "SI")) if (!$url_base_upload) { if (!function_exists('trova_url_pagina')) include("./includes/templates/funzioni_modelli.php"); if (substr($percorso_cartella_upload,-1) == "/") $percorso_cartella_upload = substr($percorso_cartella_upload,0,-1); $url_base_upload = trova_url_pagina("",C_CARTELLA_CREA_MODELLI."/$percorso_cartella_upload",""); } # fine if (!$url_base_upload) unset($percorso_cartella_upload); $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=\"20000000\"> <script type=\"text/javascript\"> <!-- function update_hd_img_txt_url (id_txt_url) { var txt_url = document.getElementById(id_txt_url); var fhdiu = document.getElementById('fhdiu').value; if (fhdiu.indexOf('/') > -1) fhdiu = fhdiu.substring(fhdiu.lastIndexOf('/')+1); if (fhdiu.indexOf('\\\\') > -1) fhdiu = fhdiu.substring(fhdiu.lastIndexOf('\\\\')+1); txt_url.value = encodeURI('$url_base_upload'+fhdiu); } --> </script> "; } # fine if (!$js or $js == 2) if ($js != 2) { $out1 = "(".mex("Fai l'upload di",'tab_tariffe.php')." <input id=\"fhdiu\" name=\"file_hd_img_upload$ord\" type=\"file\" onchange=\"update_hd_img_txt_url('$id_txt_url');\">)"; if ($js) $out1 = str_replace("'","\\'",$out1); $out .= $out1; } # fine if ($js != 2) } # fine if (defined('C_CARTELLA_CREA_MODELLI') and C_CARTELLA_CREA_MODELLI != "") return $out; } # fine function upload_hd_img_form function upload_hd_img ($filename,$ord="") { if (defined('C_CARTELLA_CREA_MODELLI') and C_CARTELLA_CREA_MODELLI != "") { global ${"file_hd_img_upload$ord"}; if (!${"file_hd_img_upload$ord"}) { if (!empty($HTTP_POST_FILES["file_hd_img_upload$ord"]['tmp_name'])) ${"file_hd_img_upload$ord"} = $HTTP_POST_FILES["file_hd_img_upload$ord"]['tmp_name']; else if (!empty($_FILES["file_hd_img_upload$ord"]['tmp_name'])) ${"file_hd_img_upload$ord"} = $_FILES["file_hd_img_upload$ord"]['tmp_name']; } # fine if (!${"file_hd_img_upload$ord"}) if (${"file_hd_img_upload$ord"}) { if (defined('C_CARTELLA_UPLOAD_IMG') and C_CARTELLA_UPLOAD_IMG != "" and @is_dir(C_CARTELLA_CREA_MODELLI."/".C_CARTELLA_UPLOAD_IMG)) $percorso_cartella_upload = C_CARTELLA_UPLOAD_IMG; else $percorso_cartella_upload = ""; if (substr($percorso_cartella_upload,0,1) == "/") $percorso_cartella_upload = substr($percorso_cartella_upload,1); if (substr($percorso_cartella_upload,0,2) == "./") $percorso_cartella_upload = substr($percorso_cartella_upload,2); $percorso_cartella_upload = C_CARTELLA_CREA_MODELLI."/$percorso_cartella_upload"; if (strcmp((string) $percorso_cartella_upload,"") and substr($percorso_cartella_upload,-1) != "/") $percorso_cartella_upload .= "/"; $errore = 0; if (strstr($filename,"/")) { $filename = explode("/",$filename); $filename = $filename[(count($filename) - 1)]; } # fine if (strstr($filename,"/")) if (strstr($filename,"\\")) { $filename = explode("\\",$filename); $filename = $filename[(count($filename) - 1)]; } # fine if (strstr($filename,"\\")) $filename = urldecode($filename); $lowfn = strtolower($filename); if (substr($lowfn,-4) != ".jpg" and substr($lowfn,-5) != ".jpeg" and substr($lowfn,-4) != ".gif" and substr($lowfn,-4) != ".png" and substr($lowfn,-5) != ".webp" and substr($lowfn,-4) != ".svg" and substr($lowfn,-4) != ".ico") $errore = 1; if (!$errore and (@is_file("$percorso_cartella_upload/$filename") or @is_dir("$percorso_cartella_upload/$filename") or @is_link("$percorso_cartella_upload/$filename"))) { $errore = 1; echo mex("Eesiste giĆ un file chiamato",'tab_tariffe.php')." ".htmlspecialchars($filename).".<br>"; } # fine if (!$errore and (@is_file("$percorso_cartella_upload/$filename") or... if (!$errore) { $file_tmp = C_DATI_PATH."/hoteld_img_upl.tmp"; if (!move_uploaded_file(${"file_hd_img_upload$ord"},$file_tmp)) $errore = 1; if (!$errore) { if (defined("C_MASSIMO_NUM_BYTE_UPLOAD") and C_MASSIMO_NUM_BYTE_UPLOAD != 0 and filesize($file_tmp) > C_MASSIMO_NUM_BYTE_UPLOAD) { $errore = 1; echo mex("La dimensione del file eccede il limite",'tab_tariffe.php').".<br>"; } # fine if (defined("C_MASSIMO_NUM_BYTE_UPLOAD") and C_MASSIMO_NUM_BYTE_UPLOAD != 0 and... elseif (!rename($file_tmp,"$percorso_cartella_upload/$filename")) $errore = 1; if ($errore) unlink($file_tmp); } # fine if (!$errore) } # fine if (!$errore) if (!$errore) echo mex("Ho fatto l'upload del file",'crea_backup.php')." ".htmlspecialchars($filename).".<br>"; else echo mex("Non ho potuto fare l'upload del file",'crea_backup.php').".<br>"; } # fine if (${"file_hd_img_upload$ord"}) } # fine if (defined('C_CARTELLA_CREA_MODELLI') and C_CARTELLA_CREA_MODELLI != "") } # fine function upload_hd_img ?> |