# Copyright (C) 2001-2023 by Marco Maria Francesco De Santis (marco@digitaldruid.net) #
# #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# any later version accepted by Marco Maria Francesco De Santis, which #
# shall act as a proxy as defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the #
# license. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #

HotelDruid version 3.0.6
Program for hotel rooms management or weekly and daily rental
of apartments.


If hoteldruid is used in an insecure net environment it's
advisable to activate the password of administrator user and
eventually use ssl connections.
There shouldn't be problems if more computers access the
database simultaneously and normal users will not be able to
perform actions not permitted by privileges assigned to them.

It's advisable to secure all data and make frequent backups
of the database using the backup system supplied in

-apache (>=1.3.26) or another web server that supports php
-php (>=4.0.4) with extension for postgresql, mysql or sqlite3
-postgresql (>=7.4.7) or mysql (>=4.1.11) or sqlite (>=3.7.9)
-a browser that supports html 4.01 with utf-8 encoding

The indicated versions are the tested ones, it could work also
on the percedent ones. The program has been tried only on Linux,
in theory it should work also on other operating systems that
support the previous programs.
APACHE CONFIGURATION: Apache must have php support and execute
with it the pages with php extension. That normally is the
default for php4, while for php3 you could have to add the line:

AddType application/x-httpd-php3 php

in the configuration file of Apache (httpd.conf or srm.conf).
MYSQL CONFIGURATION: in order to create a user in mysql connect
to the mysql database (command "mysql --user=root mysql") and
execute this query:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on databasename.* to user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'pass';

changing databasename, user and pass with your data.
POSTGRESQL CONFIGURATION: make sure that the postgres server
is started with the option in order to allow connections
via TCP/IP (in Debian 9 put "listen_addresses = 'localhost'" in
/etc/postgresql/x.x/main/postgresql.conf, in Red Hat 7.2 put
"tcpip_socket = true" in /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf).
Moreover you must have the right permissions in the file
pg_hba.conf (normally you don't need to change the default
ones). In order to create a user in postgresql use the command
"createuser -d -P user_name" issued by user postgres ("su
postgres" from root).
SQLITE CONFIGURATION: the sqlite database is actually a file
that resides in the dati folder, so if you're using php version
5.3 or superior there is no need for any special configuration.
In the data to connect to the database you don't need to insert
the username, password and server name.

Copy the folder hoteldruid to a directory
reachable from the web (DocumentRoot in the configuration
files of apache), and point the browser at
http://localhost/hoteldruid/inizio.php (or where you have
positioned the folder). The dati directory inside
hoteldruid MUST have write permissions for the
user with which the server web runs (user www-data in Debian),
also after the installation. So if you use a hosting service
they could have to be changed through ftp: for example with
cuteftp (win) or gftp (linux) connect and right click the dati
directory on the server (right column), choose the CHMOD option
and add write permissions (755 or 777).
After the first screen, where you can choose the language, you
insert the data to connect to the database, default values are
already filled in that should be right in the majority of cases.
The password is only necessary if activated in the postgres or
mysql server. In Debian with php3 answer yes to the question
regarding the extension "pgsql.so". After having inserted
the data about the apartments (at least the number), you must
create the year that you want to manage (later on you can add
months at the end of the period you choose now, but not remove
any). If a previous year exists you can import prices and any
reservations in months common to the 2 years. At the end you
arrive to the main screen, that I think is quite intuitive.
Before being able to insert reservations the prices for the
relative periods will need to be inserted.

To uninstall delete the directory hoteldruid and destroy
the created database ("destroydb databasename" or
"dropdb databasename" depending on the version for postgresql).

Before upgrading you should make a backup of the database
with the hoteldruid backup system and save hoteld_backup.php,
otherwise you could LOSE ALL DATA! Also check that the new
required software is compatible with your current one.
Leave in the folder where hoteldruid or php-residence is
installed only the folder dati (with write permission for the
web server) deleting all the rest. After that, copy the files of
the new version (except the folder dati naturally) and BEFORE
ANYTHING ELSE access the main menu (as administrator user if the
login is activated) and press the "update" button waiting until
it ends to load the page. If add-on modules or themes are used
remember to copy them too with the new version files.
It's possible to change from a postgresql database to a mysql
one or vice versa using the backup system.

If you're using a sqlite database, upgrading to a new version
is not supported for HotelDruid versions before 2.0. If you have
an earlier version, firstly you'll have to move to a mysql or
postgresql database with the backup system.

If you're using a mysql version inferior to 4.1 it's recommended
to create a backup file before upgrading mysql to a version
equal or superior to 4.1 and to restore that file just after it.

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 1.1 then internet
templates evetually present in their default locations will be
renamed. Files with the old names including the contents of the
files with the new names will be created too, but it's
recommended to update the links in the rest of your site to
point to the new names.

-Use the buttons of the browser in order to return from the
visualization of a document.
-Always insert numbers with a maximum of 2 decimals as currency.
In order to separate decimals you can use a comma or a point,
but don't separate the thousands.
-If no method for the assignment of an apartment is inserted
in a reservation, the program will automatically assign the
apartment taking into account the number of people and the
priority of the apartments (lower priority is assigned
-Already begun and checked-in Reservations are considered fixed.
To move those already begun, an option is offered when you
try to move them in non empty apartments.
-the assignment rule 1 can be used for apartments reserved to
agencies that must be informed in case of a reservation.
-With the assignment rule 2 you can for example associate a
rate called "4 people" to the apartments that can accommodate
4 people.
-If you don't want the program to automatically assign the
apartments insert all the reservations in a fixed apartment.
-You can assign a different price for each period even if there
are only 8 periods in the prices insertion page (insert 8
each time).
-If you work between 2 years don't create the new year until
it actually begins. You can insert reservations of the next
year from the menu of the current year, extra months can be
added by selecting the rates table and using the 'Add Periods'
button. When the new year arrives create it and import the
reservations from the previous year (to do that the same types
of periods of the previous year must be used and if the
periods are weekly also the same starting/ending day of the
week). It is recommended to keep atcivated the option in
"configure and customize" to automatically create the new year
on January the 10th.
-For the apartments names use for example 07 or 007 instead of
7 to have ordered months tables.
-The recommended browser is mozilla firefox or any other mozilla
based browser (www.mozilla.org).
-New disabled users can be added, and their selected columns in
the customizations page changed, for having different profiles
in the table with all the reservations.
-If the rooms are usually cleaned the day before the client
arrives, in the customization page, the time when a reservation
is considered to have started can be changed so it doesn't get
-If hoteldruid is used from the Internet, a copy can be
installed also on your home computer and subordinated (from
configure -> interconnections) to the Internet installation in
case the connection is temporarily unavailable.

From "configure and customize", clicking on their number, you
can edit the texts of documents to be printed, saved or emailed.
The texts must be inserted in HTML or RTF format, or in simple
text to send emails. You'll find some examples of alredy usable
documents after intalling hoteldruid. To easily insert an RTF
document you can write the text in your preferred program (like
Word or OpenOffice), save it in RTF format and reopen it with a
text editor, then copy all the text and paste it in the
In the documents you can use predefined variables that, if left
empty, will be replaced by spaces to be filled up by hand. The
document parts that are enclosed in [r][/r] tags will be
repeated for each reservation (if these tags are not present the
whole document will be repeated). Inside these parts other lists
can be inserted with tags [r2][/r2] (for guests) or [r3][/r3]
(for extra costs). For example for the list with guests data the
variables end all with the "_guest" suffix. Some available
variables that can be inserted are (the complete list is in the
page where you modify the document):

Client's data:
[surname] surname
[name] name
[birthdate] birthday
[Mr] '' (if male) or 's' (if female)
[nation] origin nation
[city] residence city
[street] street
[street2] the same as $street but if it's not
defined it inserts the word street
before the spaces
[street_number] street number
[postal_code] postal code
[telephone] telephone number
[telephone2] second telephone
[telephone3] third telephone
[fax] fax number

Reservation's data:
[people_num] number of people
[extra_beds_num] number of extra beds from the costs
[people_num_tot] number of people + extra beds
[price_tot] complete price
[deposit] deposit
[deposit_rest] complete price - deposit
[starting_date] starting date
[ending_date] departure date
[rate_name] rate name
[rate_price] price without extra costs and discount
[discount] discount
[comment] comment
[occupied_unit] room or apartment number
[units_list] list of rooms or apartments that can be
assigned, separated by commas
[paid] what has been paid until now
[extra_cost_name] name of the extra cost, defined only
inside costs repetitions
[extra_cost_value] value of the extra cost, defined only
inside costs repetitions
[extra_cost_max_multiply] maximum number by which a cost
is multiplied, defined only inside
costs repetitions. If also inside a
repetition of an array with days, then
represents the value by which the cost
is multiplied on that day
[extra_cost_max_daily_value] maximum daily value (not
multiplied) of the cost, defined only
inside costs repetitions. If also inside
a repetition of an array with days, then
represents the value of the cost
(already multiplied) on that day
[all_extra_costs] list with all the extra costs and their
respective values
[sel_extra_cost_name] name of the extra cost selected before
viewing the document
[sel_extra_cost_value] value of the extra cost selected before
viewing the document
[today] today date
[price_tot_p], as the previous ones without final _p
[deposit_p],[paid_p], but formatted with points or commas
[deposit_rest_p], between thousands and decimals

[repetition_error] when not empty the current reservation
is not added to the document
[email_already_sent] 1 if an email with the same subject has
already been sent to client, otherwise 0
[error_message] when not empty its contents are shown
instead of the document

In addition, you can also create custom variables like [var] or
arrays like [var1(var2)]. To assign a fixed value to an array
within the document you can use the notation [var1('value')].

Pages can be created to be inserted in an internet site, for
example to allow the visitors to check availability and to ask
to reserve by email. You can access the creation of the
paes from the "Configure and customize" button on the 'Main
Menu' page.
You can create the files directly at their final position by
setting the target directory in "configure and customize". This
way the pages will be automatically updated at new year
creation and on database upgrades. If you move the page to
another website (always with php support), it will have to be
able in any case to access the database with the data inserted
at its creation.
You can insert the html at the beginning and the end of the
file, so you are able for example to enclose the availability
form in a table or inside the body of a page from your website.
Creating again the file you can modify all the settings and the
form phrases previously inserted.
The website pages can be viewed in framed mode by adding
?framed=1 to their URLs, this way a simplified version of the
template, that can be customized with an external css file, will
be shown. This mode can be used for example to start
availability requests from a box (iframe) inside other pages of
the website. If you also add &blank=1 to the URL the form will
be opened in a new window.

Users management can be accessed from the "Configure and customize"
page. New users can be used for giving direct access to agencies
by the owner, or by an agency for giving the possibility to the
owners to check availability and block periods.
You can limit the apartments that a user can use in two ways: by
allowing him to insert reservations only in selected periods of
assignment rule 1, or by allowing him to use only rates related
to some apartments by the assignment rule 2 and not allowing
him to insert or modify the assignment of the apartments.
If the administrator password gets lost you can delete the file
abilita_login inside the dati directory, this way the login will
be disabled and anybody will be able to access with
administrator user privileges.

Thanks to Stan Khodjaev from icojam.com for releasing the
"Marmalade", "Blue Bits" and "Blueberry" icon set into the public

See file COPYING.

Marco M. F. De Santis
Email: marco@digitaldruid.net